Tuesday 10 June 2014

Ocult Symbolism

An essay I wrote last year that mentions all the occult symblisms that is relevant to this assignment:

Essay: Visual Codes in Music Video Clips

‘How have occultist themes been introduced in mainstream music videos and what are the effects on the wider community.’

The music industry’s use of occultist themes in mainstream music videos has intensified causing viewers to become conditioned to these visual codes. Conditioning tactics are being used to manipulate viewers into perceiving these occultist themes as the norm. The role of music is very influential as it is used readily in today’s visual society. From restaurants to gyms, to shops and households it is hard to escape the all-pervading oral and visual presence of music. Throughout mainstream music clips, powerful occultist iconography is being thrust upon viewers who are ignorant to the repercussions. A way the music industry is executing this is with the use of symbolic representation. Some artists known to promote such occultist imagery in their music videos include; Ke$ha and Kanye West. This essay will attempt to deconstruct these visual codes to gain a better understanding of the occultist meanings and underlying messages.

Occultist imagery has been witnessed in majority of Ke$ha’s’ music videos exploiting her young female fan base to a more sinister agenda. In Kesha’s latest number one single titled ‘Die Young’, the song is about “living your life as a celebration, as if it was the last night of your life – every night” (SonyMusicFR , 2012), promoting young audiences to embrace a culture of death. This underlying message of irresponsibility paves the way for a visual feast of more occultist symbolism.
    The video is set in Mexico, where Ke$ha and a band of her followers arrive outside of an abandoned church. Symbolism is evident from the very beginning as seen in the appendix (Figure 1) (KeshaVEVO, 2012), skull and bones flash on the screen representing the cult of death or Yale’s elite secret society seen in the appendix (Figure 2) (Branch &Lassila, 2006) emanating from the hearse. The function of a hearse, seen in the appendix (Figure 3) (KeshaVEVO, 2012) is a vehicle that carries a coffin to a funeral portraying an image of looming death , which foreshadows the fate of the occupants before they even get out of the car. Written on the door of the hearse is ‘EVIL’ seen in the appendix, (Figure 4) (KeshaVEVO, 2012) blatantly translating to the viewers that the artist’s agenda is pure evil. Once the hearse doors are opened, Ke$ha is presented in a black veil, posing as a ‘sexual religious statue’ seen in the appendix, (Figure 5) (KeshaVEVO, 2012) while being carried on the shoulders of men. This resembles religious cultures where statues of the Virgin Mary are carried by people on streets, as seen in the appendix (Figure 6) (SuperStock, 2013), expressing the notions that she views herself superior then everybody else, a modern day saint.
    During this scene occultist symbols are being flashed across the screen, such as the ‘Eye of Providence’ seen in the appendix (Figure 7) (KeshaVEVO, 2012)  which represents an evil malevolent being, portraying the artist herself  expressed by her sinister facial expression. Inverted crucifixes are also displayed multiple times, as seen in the appendix (Figure 8) (KeshaVEVO, 2012) representing an anti-Christian symbol, blatantly disrespecting the traditional conventions of Christian symbolism. In another scene Ke$ha is presented playing with tarot cards, pulling the “Devil” card, seen in the appendix (Figure 9) (KeshaVEVO, 2012) making everybody burst into laughter. Encouraging viewer’s to perceive this occultist act of “predicting the future” as ideal. Symbolically the Devil is the card of self-bondage to an idea or belief which is preventing a person from growing or being healthy, as seem in the appendix (Figure 10) (Stenudd, 2013). This depicts the artist as a prisoner of her own occultist beliefs, and cannot do anything but laugh at her captivity. The video clip visually encourages viewers to conform to what is visually presented in front of them, even if that means they are enslaved to what the music industry and media proclaims as the ‘truth’.
    Ke$ha is later seen seated on a thrown, directly under a pentacle, seen in the appendix (Figure 11) (KeshaVEVO, 2012). A pentagram or pentacle is the most identified occult symbol used in occultist practices and is considered to be the most potent means of conjuring spirits, seen in the appendix (Figure 12)(Stewart, 2011). In this circumstance Ke$ha appears as if she is conjuring a spirit of sexual pleasure and formication. During this sequence, Ke$ha displays the one-eye sign, seen in the appendix (Figure 13) (KeshaVEVO, 2012) interpreting this sex and death worshiping occult as a socially acceptable practice. A practice supported by the music industry elite; the supposed Illuminati occult group, seen in the appendix (Figure 14 & 15) (Coleman, 2013) whose main symbol of identification is the ‘Eye of Horus’.
    Throughout the video triangular symbols are flashed on the screen as either upright or reversed, as seen in the appendix (Figure 16) (KeshaVEVO, 2012). In occult symbolism, upright triangles represent the masculine role while reverse triangles represent the feminine role. The combination of both represents the union of opposites, in other words sexual intercourse. Sexual behaviour is also evident by the images of two wolves in the act of reproducing, seen in the appendix (Figure 17) (KeshaVEVO, 2012). By indorsing this type of behaviour, indulging in one’s animalistic instincts is contrary to reaching spiritual enlightenment.

Kanye West’s use of symbolism in his music videos visually exposes viewers to overt masonic and occult agenda. In Kanye West’s almost motionless video “Power”, a profound story is being foretold in rich archetypal symbolism. The video differs as it is filmed in a short sequence of 1.43 minutes in length, compared to the typical 3 to 4 minute duration. The director Marco Brambilla went for a neo-classical aesthetic creating a piece full of deep occultist symbolism.  As for neo-classical paintings of that era, each object, symbol and detail conveys an important message.
    The video begins with a close-up of Kanye West with illuminated eyes as seen in the appendix (Figure 18) (KanyeWestVEVO, 2010), portraying him as being “ignited” from within. His stance is positioned in-between two infinite rows of columns depicting the ‘Two Pillars’, as seen in the appendix (Figure 19) (Kendall, 2009) portraying that those pillars lead to the “Sphere of Enlightenment” which is the key source of power. Kanye positions himself in the centre of this sphere revealing that “In this white man’s world, we are the ones chosen” (KanyeWestVEVO, 2010) portraying himself as being initiated amongst the most powerful of this world, the supposed Illuminati elite.         
     The occultist object immediately noticed straight after is the gigantic pendant on Kanye’s chest, which is of the head of Horus, as seen in the appendix (Figure 20) (KanyeWestVEVO, 2010). Horus is an ancient Egyptian deity that has great significance in occult practises; see (Figure 21) (Riley, 2013). Associated as the Sky God, he is most recognized by the image of a single eye, (Figure 22) (Riley, 2013). The symbolism of Horus has great connotations in the freemasonry occult. The journey of a to-be initiated member through the Masonic degrees is pronounced as the practice by which the Eye of Horus is opened, this video can be interpreted as the artist’s possible public initiation into the freemasonry occult (Mackey, 1878).
    The gateway of the pillars is guarded by two horned girls holding a staff, seen in the appendix (Figure 23) (KanyeWestVEVO, 2010). Their appearances resemble portrayals of Isis and Hathor who were goddesses of ancient Egypt, see (Figure 24) (Gilligan, 2010). Isis the mother of Horus was the goddess of motherhood, nature and magic (Witt, 1997). Hathor was also considered as a maternal deity as well as the goddess of music, dance and fertility (Hart, 2005). Both Isis and Hathor were known to welcome and protect the dead during their journey to the afterlife. Kanye can be depicted as a Pharaoh due to his royal attire, on his journey of sacrifice, supervised by Hathor “the royal goddess”. This visual scene gives the audience a notion that these goddesses are actually welcoming Kanye “behind the veil”, - see (Figure 25) (KanyeWestVEVO, 2010) protecting him on his journey to supposed immortality. This resembles occult group practices where applicants must endure a symbolic death and be reborn to sanctify their initiation process.
    The image of a sword descending above Kanye West’s head, see (Figure 26) (KanyeWestVEVO, 2010) portrays a classic legend, The Sword of Damocles. The tale of the Sword embodies the constant danger faced by those in positions of power (Benet, 1948), as seen in the appendix (Figure 27) (Donner, 2012). Kanye stands, in a state of impending doom, knowing he can be executed at any time.
    Directly after, two figures emerge from both ends holding a dagger and attempting to assassinate Kanye “Killing of the King”, seen in (Figure 28) (KanyeWestVEVO, 2010). The assassination did occur, but it was not the result of the two assassins, but by the sword of Damocles, this is portrayed by in the single’s cover, see appendix (Figure 29) (Condo, 2010). The stone which Kanye’s head is placed on is a symbol used in Masonic ritual, the ‘perfect ashlar’, seen in the appendix (Figure 30) (Kendall, 2009) which represents the state of the perfect initiate. Kanye says “goodbye cruel world / I see you in the morning“(KanyeWestVEVO, 2010), as he has been “chosen” to take part in an initiation process followed by a glorious awakening as a new being. In order to accomplish this, Kanye needed to kill his old self and be ritualistically reborn. Once this was done, true power is within his grasp.
After pictorially decoding occultist themes from two mains stream videos, the issue at hand is not the occultist symbols that are being flashed on the screen, but the underlying messages that are communicated to the viewers. Such agendas are about making specific values and attitudes cool and desirable to young people and currently they are becoming more evident in pop culture. Occultist themes are successfully promoting a culture of death, sexualisation, increasing materialism, attaining power and corrupting and debasing spirituality.

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